Learn from Current and Former Military and Emergency Service Personnel how to build resilience in your workplace.

Fostering a positive approach to mental health encourages conversations in the workplace that will make a profound difference in your people’s lives and, by extension, the health of your organisation.

Lead by example and become leaders in your industry. 

Empower your people with a deeper understanding of their mental health and cultivate empathy for the challenges of others.

Through education, your workplace will play a pivotal role in improving the lives of your people and supporting them to stay healthy. 


Our facilitators are highly trained and possess a deep understanding of trauma and its effects, drawing on their experience from the military and emergency service sectors. This expertise enriches the workshop content, providing valuable insights into mental health challenges, especially in high-stress environments. Learn more about our background. 


Our facilitators use their training in counselling, combined with skills learned in the service, to be exceptional communicators and are able to convey instructions, expectations and information at the same time as fostering teamwork and supportive environments.

In-Person Delivery 

We believe in the power of face-to-face interactions over online delivery, and we facilitate our workshops via two trained counsellors with skills informed by their emergency services experience. Conducting the workshop in person helps foster a comfortable and engaging learning environment. 

You'll have the opportunity to connect with your peers and facilitators in a real-time setting, enhancing the overall learning experience and connection between team members.

Dual Facilitators

We provide two experienced facilitators to guide you through the workshop, ensuring diverse perspectives and allowing more opportunities for in-depth discussions and a comprehensive understanding of the material. Some people will find discussing mental health subject matter challenging, and having two facilitators allows us to provide extra support to those who need it.

Leaning Into Difficult Conversations

We encourage participants to lean into difficult conversations about mental health. Our workshop equips people with the skills and confidence to address sensitive topics, fostering a culture of open communication and support within your organisation.

Ongoing Partnership

Our partnership with your organisation involves Frontline Mental Health working hand in hand with your leaders to develop ongoing programs that promote mental health awareness and encourage employees to prioritise their wellbeing. 

We develop programs featuring regular check-ins, personal and professional development opportunities, and crisis management support. 

Our workshops are just the start of the conversation, and we are always here to provide ongoing support whenever you need us.

What does the future look like? 

It's a world where mental health is a priority, resilience is nurtured, and people thrive. Join us in shaping this future by embracing mental health programs in the workplace today.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

This comprehensive Mental Health & Wellbeing workshop is held in person over one full day and facilitated by two trained counsellors with skills informed by their emergency services experience. Valuable insights from their service backgrounds enrich the workshop delivery, offering participants a unique and unforgettable learning experience.

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Understanding Service Culture

Military or emergency service work presents significant challenges and unique experiences for individuals. Understanding these challenges and their impact is crucial to provide individuals within organisations who work with military and emergency services personnel the skills to work effectively with them. 

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Mental Health & Leadership

Promoting positive mental health in workplaces begins with the leaders in your organisation. When leaders prioritise behaviours that foster a healthy culture, employees and team members act in a manner that aligns with those same organisational values. 

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Managing Stress in the Workplace

Exposure to traumatic events or ongoing stress can have long-lasting effects if not correctly managed. While this is an entirely normal response, it can affect not only frontline emergency service providers but also any individual or team working in a high-stress environment. 

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Mental Health First Aid

Knowledge and understanding of how to respond to a colleague in the workplace who may be experiencing a mental health challenge is a valuable skill to possess. Being able to offer support through positive conversations and encouragement is an essential element of promoting good mental health in the workplace. 

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